
20 Ways to Ask Customers for Product Reviews

20 Ways to Ask Customers for Product Reviews.

How to Ask Customers for Reviews for your product or service!

After launching and selling our product or services; every entrepreneurs are looking for getting product or service reviews.

20 Ways to Ask customers for product reviews

The success of any business will be determine by high amount of positive and satisfying reviews.

Now days, it is very difficult to get 100% positive reviews about your business. Therefore, your first goal is to get customers review and think about how you can solve those problems.

Also, make sure that your product has the best quality of the best. The better you improve your product quality, the better the review your customers are going to leave.

Today, we are going to learn about all the possible ways to ask customers for product reviews.

1. Hold a contest

Create a grand prize contest that has innovative way to participate and give your customers chance to win the contest.

You do not have to provide extra service or product for getting reviews from customers. If your products or services really satisfying your customers then, there are higher chance for getting good amount of customers for review contest.


2. Interview your customers

Many customers are not the powerful for writing some accurate review about your product. In addition, few of them are getting confused or may hesitate to submit reviews.

Therefore, the easy option is to call them and take some appointment or time for being interviewed on phone or video call. You may edit the conversations of your telephonic interview and publish it on your website.


3. Take advantage of email or e-newsletters

You can send well-designed and professional looking newsletters for asking the review as a best customer of the month. Ask some questions about your product and those experiences after purchasing your product. This is the coolest way to get customer’s review in smart manner.


4. Deal with Negative Reviews

Do not over think about negative reviews. There will be always negativity around any product you make. Microsoft has also millions of negative reviews until Now.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is all about stay calm and answer negative reviewers for solving those problems. Also, learn from negative reviews and improve your product better.


5. Thank your customer

If any person buy your product or service then, you can find the social account of the customer and thank them by sending private message or mention his Facebook account on your business page.

Thank them for taking interest for buying your product. Your response make your customer feel proud and they are likely to give some time for writing a product review in future.


6. Create a call to Action

Business blogs or content marketing is the king of all type of marketing.

You can ask your reader about “Tell us what you think about our product” or “Let’s what is in your mind about how we can improve our product/service”.

You can ask any questions that leads to customer review about your product. Your customers are also reading your news and updated on your business blog. Therefore, this is the creative way to get some review in comment box.


7. Create an informational video

Well, you can make one video about your product benefits and customers review. Also, ask what you think about as a customer at the end of the video. Then, publish your video on YouTube and other video sharing sites. There will be higher chance for getting customer reviews in the comment box.


8. Add Testimonial on your landing page

After getting couple of product reviews, you need to publish few testimonials on the website-landing page. Also, add the easy way to submit reviews by new buyers.

Therefore, visitors and buyers both can access and write a product review by filling simple submission form.


9. Publish some reviews by yourself

Well, at the starting stage of your start-up journey; you are likely need to review your own product and services as a buyer or customer. In addition, you have to read competitors business reviews and write couple of reviews by yourself on your product.


10. Ask questions on your social media pages

Social media pages - Ways to Ask Customer Reviews.
Social media pages – Ways to Ask Customer Reviews.

You can ask some questions with your followings on Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. Also, new customers are likely to write an answer of your questions on your social pages. Therefore, you can use those answers as a review for your product.


11. Don’t overdo it

Pushing yourself to get more and more reviews may look a little desperate. Therefore, you have to always focus on your product quality and customer support to get reviews that are more positive automatically.


12. Ask your customers nicely

You can directly ask your customers about your product and service advantages. Ask them to write those genuine experiences of your business.

Your customers are likely to write those success stories and detailed problem that your product solved. Therefore, this is also one clear way to get review.


13. Try in Exchange Method

All business beginners are confused about how can we get review on our product if we are beginner! Well, you can offer your product or service to few people who can try it and write a true review about it. This is good and inexpensive method for getting genuine review.


14. Ask for review after few weeks of purchase

You have to wait for some days or months to use your product. Customers are likely to provide genuine review after few weeks of product purchases. Do not go for asking for review too quickly. Most startup beginners are not giving those customers enough time for writing a review for those businesses.



15. Use mobile friendly review page

This is the age of smartphone. All of your customers are using those smartphone on their spare time. So, you have to optimized your product review page responsive for mobile users. Therefore, your buyers can easily access it when you send review request mail or message.


16. Ask for help

This is another great way to get customer’s review.

Well, ask couple of questions that can improve your product. A dedicated customer love to answer and help you out for improving your product in the next upgrade. You can send it by email newsletters or calling them directly.


17. YouTube Video Review

Many customers are likely to be seen on your popular YouTube channel as product reviewer. You can ask your customers about getting interviewed or simple review video for your YouTube channel.

In addition, they can publish your product review on those individual channels too. This is nice way to interact your customers and reward them for top 10 customers of the year.


18. Local search directories

You can ask your customers to write reviews on google business page, yahoo local business, Yelp and on your Facebook page.

These all platforms are highly powerful for getting more and more local traffic from your city or town.


19. Don’t Delete Negative Reviews

There are always negativity around business environment. If you are dedicated to your business and product quality then, do not over react on negative reviews.

Many start-up beginners are likely delete negative reviews of those products. The best way to deal with negative review is to answer them politely and improve what your product is missing.


20. Respond to the reviews you get

To get more and more reviews; you need to give respond to your current reviews.

People are going to check whether you are responding others comments or not. If you are not active on responding available reviews then, people are not likely to waste those times for writing a product review.



We all know that business reviews are vital component for getting more customers and it can build relationship with existing customers. If you are in e-commerce or any online business then, customer reviews are an essential part of your business strategy.

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You need to wait for long time for getting good amount of trusted reviews on your business product or service. So, keep trying all these 20 ways to ask customers for product reviews.

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1 comment

Frankringer September 23, 2019 at 5:35 am

I agree with that.


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